15 Repurposed wooden window frames turned into coffee tables

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One of the most popular items to repurpose are old window frames. In today’s post, we have compiled 15 awesome DIY window coffee table ideas from repurposed windows for you to try in your own home! These can be an awesome DIY project for your home, with many different ways of turning them into something functional. For most ideas, we have included a link to a tutorial or guide that will walk you through the process step-by-step with pictures and written instructions. This way, you can successfully create the piece in just a few hours from start to finish with little to limited skills & experience required!

Take a look at these beautiful examples of repurposed-vintage window frames turned into coffee tables:

1. Opening window pane / display case coffee tables

Very rustic look: full raw wood finish & reclaimed wood planks. Source: martysmusings.net (step by step)
Source: divaofdiy.com (step by step)
Really nice contrasting colors with black feet, white case and raw wood casing bottom. Source: Oh Glory Vintage
Central opening, painted blue & raw wood. Source: Oh Glory Vintage
Source: diyprojects.com (step by step)
Awesome coffe table display case design from a vintage lattice window frame. Source: Oh Glory Vintage
Rolling coffee table variant by adding casters. Source: homedepot.com
Really interesting design using a full vintage wooden window frame and its jamb. Sourced from this varageslale listing
Half shadow box, half coffee table. Sourced from this etsy listing
Coffee table made from a recycled window and pallet board with hinged top. Source: mintconditionreclaimed.ca
Curved legs and white finish – Source ramblingeveron.com (step by step)

2. Fixed window frame / open design

2.1 with bottom shelf

Entirely made from reclaimed pallet wood + reclaimed wooden frame painted green. Source: palletfurnitureplans.com
Two-toned black and distressted white + raw wood. Source: Heather’s Varagesale Store
Double repurposing with this full black coffee table with a bottom shelf made from a reclaimed door. Source: Pinterest

2.2 No Bottom Shelf

Bottomless, fixed frame variant painted all white. Source: tatertotsandjello.com (step by step)
Vintage window kept as-is by just adding blue painted legs. Source: the702parkproject.com (step by step)

3. Bonus variant: coffee tables made from reclaimed doors

Source: Oh Glory Vintage
Source: Kelly Meyrose’s Pinterest

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Here is another window frame project. We repurposed an old window frame into a mantel decoration. Check this out!

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